Discover the Easy Way to Measure AC Filter Sizes

Are you tired of trying to measure your AC filter size every time you need to replace it? Look no further! We've got an easy solution for you that will save you time and headaches.

Gone are the days of crawling around in tight spaces and struggling to read the small print on your current filter. With our simple method, you'll be able to determine the correct size in no time!

Stop guessing and start measuring with confidence. Check out our guide to measuring AC filter sizes and breeze through your next filter replacement like a pro!

1. Understanding Filter Types

Before measuring the size of your AC filter, it’s important to understand the different filter types that are available. Understanding the difference between fiberglass, pleated and electrostatic filters can help you choose the right filter for your air conditioner and ensure accurate measurements.

Fiberglass filters are the least expensive but need to be replaced frequently. The pleated filters are a great alternative, they are slightly more expensive but have a longer lifespan, adding value and saving you money in the long run. Electrostatic filters are the most effective but expensive. They use electricity to trap dirt particles and are very effective in improving air quality in your home.

Once you have decided which filter type you want to purchase, it’s time to measure your AC filter. Most AC filters are in the same location and are easily accessible. Always ensure your electric supply is off and remove the cover to access your filter.

It's important to keep accurate measurements to ensure proper functioning of your AC system. With the right filter type and correct measurements, you can improve the air quality in your home and promote a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Understanding AC Filter Nominal Size vs. Actual Size

When it comes to measuring AC filter sizes, you may come across two different terms - nominal size and actual size. It's essential to understand the difference between these two to ensure that you get the right filter for your air conditioning system.

The nominal size of an AC filter refers to the filter's size as listed on the product label or packaging. This size is typically rounded up to the nearest inch and is the size that manufacturers use to categorize their products. For instance, you may come across filters labeled 16x20x1 or 20x25x4.

However, the actual size of an AC filter is the exact measurements of the filter. This size takes into account the length, width, and thickness of the filter, including any margins around the filter's edges. In most cases, the actual size of an AC filter may be slightly smaller than the nominal size. This is because manufacturers often leave a small margin around the edges to ensure that the filter fits correctly in the AC unit.

It's worth noting that the difference between nominal and actual filter sizes may vary across different manufacturers. Some companies may leave a more significant margin than others, while others may produce filters that are precisely the nominal size. That's why it's crucial to pay attention to the exact measurements of the filter when purchasing it for your AC system.

To ensure that you get the right filter size, always measure the size of your AC unit's filter slot before making a purchase. This will help you calculate the actual size of the filter that you need, and you can then compare it to the nominal size listed on the product label. Ideally, the actual size should be slightly smaller than the nominal size to ensure that the filter fits correctly in the slot.

In conclusion, understanding the difference between nominal and actual AC filter sizes is crucial to ensure that you get the right filter for your AC system. Always measure the size of your filter slot and compare it to the filter's actual size before making a purchase.

Identifying Your AC Filter's Size Label or Indicators

Now that you know the importance of measuring your AC filter, the next step is to identify its size label or indicator. This will help you purchase the right filter that fits perfectly and performs efficiently.

Most AC filters have their size label or indicator printed on their frame. You can locate it easily by checking the edges or corners of the filter. The label usually indicates the dimensions of the width, length, and thickness of the filter in inches.

If you cannot find the size label on the filter, you can also refer to your AC unit's manual or check its outer casing for the recommended filter size. Another option is to use a measuring tape to measure the filter's dimensions accurately.

It is important to note that AC filters come in different sizes, and they are not interchangeable. Using a filter that does not fit correctly can lead to air leaks, reduced efficiency, and increased energy costs.

By identifying your AC filter's size label or indicators, you can ensure that you purchase the right filter that fits perfectly and keeps your indoor air quality at its best.

Measuring Your AC Filter Size: Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to maintaining your air conditioning unit, changing the air filter should be one of your top priorities. However, before you can do that, you need to know the size of your AC filter. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you measure your AC filter size.

Step 1: Turn Off Your AC

Before measuring your AC filter, make sure to turn off your AC unit. This will prevent any accidents, and it is also easier to measure the filter when it is not moving.

Step 2: Locate the Air Filter

Depending on the type of air conditioning system you have, your air filter can be located in different places. It could be in your air handler unit, inside your return air grill, or even in your ceiling or wall. Once you find it, carefully remove the filter from its housing.

Step 3: Measure the Length and Width

Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of your AC filter in inches. Make sure to measure from edge to edge, and don't include any of the cardboard around the filter or the filter's thickness in your measurement.

Step 4: Check the Thickness

After measuring the length and width of your filter, you need to check the thickness. Some filters have a thickness of 1 inch, while others could have a thickness of 2 or 3 inches. This information should be printed on the side or within the filter itself.

Step 5: Note Down the Size

Once you have measured the length, width, and thickness of your AC filter, note down the size in inches. Remember to write the dimensions in the order of length, width, and thickness. For example, if your AC filter measures 20 inches by 25 inches by 1 inch, note it down as 20x25x1 inches.

Measuring your AC filter size is a quick and easy process that you can do yourself. By knowing the size of your filter, you can easily find a replacement filter that will fit perfectly, ensuring that your air conditioning unit runs smoothly and efficiently.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Measuring AC Filter Sizes

Measuring the size of an AC filter is a relatively simple task. However, there are common mistakes that people make that can result in an incorrect measurement. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid while measuring AC filter sizes:

1. Assuming all filters are the same size

It is a common mistake to assume that all filters are the same size. However, this is not the case, and it can lead to fitting the wrong size filter in your AC unit. Before measuring your filter, check the specific model of your AC unit to determine the size of filter it requires.

2. Measuring the wrong dimensions

When measuring an AC filter, it is crucial to measure the correct dimensions. The measurements that you should be taking are the length, width, and depth of the filter. However, it is common to measure only one or two of these dimensions, leading to an inaccurate measurement.

3. Measuring the outside dimensions

Another mistake is measuring the outside dimensions of the filter frame and depending on that for the filter size. This can lead to incorrect measurement, since filter manufacturers typically state measurements indicating the size of the filter material, not the overall frame dimensions.

4. Not accounting for the filter thickness

It is essential to take the thickness of the filter into account when measuring its dimensions. Overlooking this factor might lead to fitting the wrong size filter that is either too thick or too thin for the AC unit.

5. Failing to account for the filter's location

Finally, it is vital to consider the location of the filter and how it is placed in the unit. Filters that are placed in a specific orientation require exact measurements that account for the orientation. For example, a filter that is inserted horizontally would require length measurements that correspond to the filter's width, not its length.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you will get a more accurate and precise measurement, which can help you choose the right filter for your AC unit, ensuring the best air-quality and efficiency.

Finding the Right Replacement Filter for Your AC System

So, you've measured your AC filter and now it's time to find a replacement. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are some tips to help make the process easier:

1. Know your filter's dimensions: Make sure to double-check the size of your filter before ordering a replacement. This will ensure that it fits perfectly and works effectively.

2. Consider the MERV rating: MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and measures how effective a filter is at removing particles from the air. The higher the rating, the more effective the filter. However, a higher rating also means a higher cost.

3. Look for specialty filters: If you or someone in your household has allergies or respiratory issues, consider investing in a specialty filter. HEPA filters, for example, can capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.

4. Choose the right type of filter: There are different types of filters, including fiberglass, pleated, and washable. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so make sure to research which is best for your specific needs.

By following these tips, you'll be able to find the perfect replacement filter for your AC system. Remember to change your filter regularly for optimal performance and air quality.


Measuring your AC filter size doesn't need to be a daunting task anymore. With the simple steps outlined above, you can easily determine the correct filter size for your AC unit. Remember to always check your manufacturer's specifications and make sure to choose the correct MERV rating to ensure maximum filtration efficiency. Maintaining the proper size and quality of your AC filter can make a significant difference in the air quality and overall performance of your HVAC system. Don't neglect this essential aspect of home maintenance, and enjoy the benefits of clean and healthy air in your home.